This exceptional itinerary offers one of the most fascinating views in the region, guiding you to discover the wonderful Val Duron, located on the southern slope of the Plattkofel/Sassopiatto and marking the entrance to the Catinaccio Group, where the peaks rise to almost 3,000 meters. The reward for overcoming the challenging climbs is the discovery of this natural gem, which will provide you with two spectacular descents and moments of fun, all surrounded by an enchanting Dolomite landscape. In the heart of Val Duron, halfway along the route, you can take a pleasant break and soak in the tranquility of the surrounding landscape.

Starting from the Selva Tourist Association, you can enjoy a slightly uphill stretch along the old railway route, followed by the pass road to Plan de Gralba, which covers about 2.5 km. Despite the heavy traffic in high season, the elevation gain is less than 200 m and is easily surmountable. Upon arriving at Plan de Gralba, a steep climb awaits you in the direction of the Sella Pass. Initially, the route follows a dirt road, which becomes a fantastic track with narrow hairpin bends at the top, near the base of the City of Stones. Experienced cyclists will have no difficulty overtaking it, but even those who decide to push their bikes will be able to admire the splendid view of the Sassolungo.

Shortly after the parking lot of the gondola to the Forcella del Sassolungo, at the Valentini Hut (the first opportunity to stop), the long descent to Canazei and Campitello begins, offering breathtaking views, especially at the top. There is no shortage of challenging sections below Lupo Bianco, which add a special touch to the tour.

The beginning of Val Duron, in Campitello, marks the transition from downhill to uphill. A short section of the climb along the forest road reaches a 24% gradient, but it is only 30 m long. Later, up to the Micheluzzi Hut, the gradient softens (14-15%) and the valley opens up, offering panoramic views of the imposing surrounding rock faces. After a short descent, you will reach the traditional Rifugio Lino Brach, which offers an opportunity to recharge your energy after the challenging climbs and to enjoy gastronomic delicacies such as polenta with sausage and gorgonzola.

At the furthest end of Val Duron, you will be able to admire the most striking views, with the Catinaccio Group to the south and the Sassopiatto to the north, as you head toward the Duron Pass. Here another challenging climb awaits you with gradients of up to 20 percent, from which you can admire the peaks of the Denti di Terra Rossa, a sign that you are approaching the Alpe di Siusi. If you stop at the top to catch your breath, don’t forget to turn around to admire the Marmolada to the east!

The next surprise is the scenic route from the Dialer Hut in the direction of the Zallinger, again with views of the Sassopiatto. You can test your mountain bike along a narrow hiking trail, but after 2 km you will need to continue on foot because of wooden beams and steps. Next, you will face a 160-m descent, which you will then have to climb back up along the dirt road in the direction of the Zallinger, the last hut on the tour. Here you will be able to admire the flat slope of Sassopiatto to the southeast, illuminated by the afternoon sun, or enjoy the view toward the Sassopiatto, Palacia, Molignon and Denti di Terra Rossa huts to the southwest.

The last 12 km are mainly downhill, with views of Sassopiatto and Sassolungo, until you reach the starting point in Selva, where you can end the tour satisfied despite your fatigue.


Variante Impegnativa e Piacevole: Potete prolungare il vostro tour fino al Rifugio Alpe di Tires dopo aver raggiunto il punto più alto della Val Duron. Seguite la ripida salita verso il Rifugio Alpe di Tires poco prima del Passo Duron, che in seguito si trasforma in una strada carrozzabile. Una volta raggiunta la meta ai piedi dei Denti di Terra Rossa, potrete pernottare al rifugio e godere dell’atmosfera unica e dell’ospitalità dei proprietari. Successivamente, potrete ritornare lungo la strada carrozzabile fino al Rifugio Dialer, dove riprenderete il tour precedentemente descritto.

Variante con Cabinovia e Direzione Opposta:
Invertendo l’intero percorso, potrete scendere lungo la Val Duron e godere della sua bellezza dal Passo Duron. Alla stazione di Col Rodella, potrete prendere la cabinovia e risparmiare circa 1.000 metri di dislivello. Dalla stazione a monte, scendete fino al Rifugio Valentini, quindi, al punto di via 25, svoltate leggermente a sinistra per riprendere il tour precedentemente descritto.